Recent Events & Announcements
The Green Weaving Center (GWC) is designed to be a Himalayan Artistic Mandala, an authentic artistic life experience designed to incubate a model for Gross National Happiness (GNH) in education and eco-business. Through such experiences, one will be guided to a happy work and life (GNH life) and to transform one’s daily life into life. This will foster […]
YDF- BracU Scholarship (2020) 10 scholarships available for undergraduate (8 slots) and postgraduate (2 slots) at the Brac University in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Requirements for scholarships are: 1.Criteria of BracU 2.Scholarship details 3.Application Form For more information visit You can also email us at or contact us at Tel:+975 2 327483/329135 during office […]
Wondering how our young people are engaging themselves during the outbreak of the pandemic? Here are the encourgaing stories shared by our young volunteers (Y-VIA) when their schools are closed and have to stay home ( fighting against COVID-19) 1.Mr. Rinzin Wangdi, Y-VIA member of Pemagatshel Dzongkhag. \ 2. Tshering Pelzom from Tashigang. “I am reading, […]
My Gakidh Village, or “My Happy Village”, is a joint initiative of the Bhutan Youth Development Fund, Aide et Action International, World Wildlife Fund Bhutan and UNDP Bhutan, the first of its kind in Bhutan with the overall goal to curb rural-urban youth migration by providing sustainable livelihood skills and opportunities to unemployed youth within […]
The 12th Golden Youth Award Camp 14th July 2019 (From Left is the 12th Golden Youth Award Camp winner, Ms.Palden Tshering Yangchen, next is Mr.Sonam Tenzin Wangchuk and His Honourable Prime Minister, Dr.Lotay Tshering, from right is Ms.Sonam Tshomo and Ms.Tshering Yangchen Lhamo.) The ten days of GYA program came to a successful happy ending on the 14th of July after Ms.Palden Tshering Yangchen of Drukgyel Central School, Paro was crowned as the […]
Bhutan is a landlocked country roughly the size of Switzerland, with a population of approximately 7,50,000. Bhutan is known as Druk Yul, the Land of the Thunder Dragon. Bhutan is a country deeply rooted in Mahayana Buddhism, a tradition that stresses not material rewards, but individual development, sanctity of life, compassion for others, respect for […]