- Bhutan is a landlocked country roughly the size of Switzerland, with a population of approximately 7,50,000.
- Bhutan is known as Druk Yul, the Land of the Thunder Dragon.
- Bhutan is a country deeply rooted in Mahayana Buddhism, a tradition that stresses not material rewards, but individual development, sanctity of life, compassion for others, respect for nature, social harmony, and the importance of compromise.
- The 4th King Jigme Singye Wangchuck became the youngest monarch in the world when he was crowned at age of 17. His son, Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, was crowned the 5th king of Bhutan in 2008 at the age of 28
- In 2008, Bhutan became a parliamentary democracy after 100 years of sovereign rule. A draft constitution currently provides for two houses of parliament — a 47-member national assembly and a 25-member national council.
- There are 31 hospitals in the entire country, one international airport and three domestic airports.
- Healthcare is free for both Bhutanese and foreign visitors.
- The first foreign tourists were allowed into Bhutan in 1974.
- Television and Internet access were introduced to Bhutan in 1999.
- The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) declared Bhutan one of the world’s 10 most important biodiversity hotspots. To preserve this rich biodiversity, Bhutan maintains at least 60% of the land area under forest cover, and designated more than 25% of land as national parks and protected areas.
- Access to basic education has become the inalienable right of all Bhutanese.
- Archery is the national sport of Bhutan.
- Bhutanese cuisine favors hot and spicy dishes. Ema datse, a traditional and popular Bhutanese dish, is comprised of sliced chilies cooked in a creamy cheese sauce and served over red rice.
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