Support Us

You can make a difference. When people join together to support the Bhutan Youth Development Fund programs – programs that bring education, employment and meaningful opportunities to children & youth — the impact is profound. Every small donation adds up, and together with other small donors, the outcome can have a positive effect for youth across Bhutan.

The Bhutan Youth Development Fund accepts donations. Donations can be made through the Bhutan Foundation in the USA, or directly to Bhutan YDF in Bhutan.

The Bhutan Foundation is a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code – Federal ID # 13-3376290. Bhutan Foundation receives donations in the USA on behalf of Bhutan Youth Development Fund and other NGOs in Bhutan.


Donate Directly to YDF in Bhutan

250 for YOUth is a donation scheme that asks you to donate 250 Ngultrum per month (less than $5 USD) to support disadvantaged youth through YDF’s various programs. 250 for YOUth encourages a large number of individual Bhutanese donors to become microphilanthropists.

Download 250 for YOUth bank transfer instructions

At the local level, funds are transferred from the individuals’s bank account with security, accountability, and minimal hassle, making giving easy for donors without the means or tools to donate online.

To make a one-time donation or to sign up for 250 for YOUth as an individual or organization based in Bhutan, please contact the Fundraising Unit at the YDF Secretariat in Thimphu:

Tel: + 975 328096


Donate Online via Credit Card

Donors can make a secure online donation via PayPal using a credit card through our U.S. based fiscal sponsor, the Bhutan Foundation.

Make a One-Time Donation
Make a Recurring Donation

Help the Bhutan Youth Development Fund with a recurring monthly donation of $25, $50, $75 or $100:


Convert your currency to US Dollars –>


Donate via Bank Transfer

To make a donation by bank transfer to our account at Bhutan National Bank, please request your bank to remit funds as follows. For questions or assistance, please contact us.

Bank Information
Beneficiary Bank Bhutan National Bank, P.O. Box 439 Thimphu, Bhutan
Account No. 36023474 (USD A/C)
Bank Address CITI Bank, 111 Wall Street, 19th Fl., New York NY 10046
Swift code CITIUS 33
ABA No. 0210-0008-9
Chips Routing No. 008
Ultimate Beneficiary Youth Development Fund Acct No. 5000015068002


Donate via Check

Checks can be written to the Bhutan Foundation with a memo to YDF and mailed to the address below:

The Bhutan Foundation
2100 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Suite 525
Washington DC 20037 USA

— OR —

The Bhutan Foundation
Post Box 255, Norzin Lam
Thimphu BHUTAN
Tel: +975 (2) 335613
Fax: +975 (2) 335614

Other Ways to Give

There are many ways to support the Bhutan Youth Development Fund.

  • Planned giving (estate bequests)
  • Foundation grants
  • Stock donations
  • Frequent flier miles
  • Corporate and business sponsorship
  • In-kind support
  • Memorial Gifts & Gifts in honor of someone

For assistance on other ways to give please contact us.